Visit to Málaga's Port


-What's Málaga Port?  The Port of Malaga is a Spanish seaport located on the Bay of Malaga, and in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, in the western Mediterranean. It is a commercial port, passenger, cruise and fishing port.
What did we see at the port?
There we saw a white lighthouse, many ships, the Palm of Surprises, container cranes, many bollards also we saw the auxiliary ships and fishing boats, the cathedral  and the Alcazaba.


-The Alboran Sea:
A) Write as much information as posible about the origin and history of Alboran sea:
The Alboran Sea, formerly called "Sea of ​​Granada" - is the westernmost part of the Mediterranean Sea.
Its boundaries: north, the mainland coast of Spain, on the south, the African coast of Morocco and Algeria to the west, the Strait of Gibraltar, which connects with the Atlantic Ocean and the east, in general, an imaginary line that goes from Cape Gata in Spain, to Cape Fegalo, Algeria, west of the city of Oran . The eastern boundary is not always maintained, as sometimes is also considered the meridian passing through Cape Palos (Spain), for example, so does the weather service of Italy in their newsletters
B) Talk about the different people who have been connected to the port throughout history:
 Phoenician Port:
The city of Málaga was founded by the Phoenicians of Tyre , in the ninth century BC . These established a trading colony in order to exploit the many natural resources .

 This beautiful building was built between 1932 and 1935. The project management was carried out by the Engineer Manuel González Flour Mill, which was inspired by the facade of the Lonja de Barcelona, late XVIII.
The building has all four sides equal (clock included) as if it were a palace noble and of traditionalist style: Its plan is square with estradas(Via which is built to walk on it) under porchs of columns. Inside there  is a magnificent Meeting lounge and a wide imperial staircase.
This building was completely damaged and out of use, it was restored by the Port Authority during 1997 to make it the headquarters of the Institute of Port.

-Name five interesting  things that you saw at the port:   

1º- In Malaga's port the world's largests boats can dock.

2º-The fishing port is to buy and sell not to fish.

3º-The port can move containers 400,000 a year.

4º- Sea surface is where ships dock

5º- A bollard is a structure where boats are moored.

6º- Malaga's lighhouse is know as "La Farola".

7º- There is a regular line of transport and merchandise from Malaga to Melilla.

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