Lettre à l'office du Tourisme de Caen (Normandie)

Message envoye depuis wvw.tourisme.fr
Envoye : mercredi 10 ft/Her 2016 20:51 A: infoacaen-tourisme.fr
Fermeture : les 1er lanvier, ler et 11 Novembre, et 25 decembre

Objet : Information sur Normandie

Monsieur, Madame Bonjour! Je m'appelle Marian et j'etudie au lycee Fernando de los Rios. Dans la classe de Francais, nous devons faire un travail d'une region de la France pour ce motif j'ai besoin d'information en papier sur des lieux que je peu visite, des recettes typiques et des personnages celebres. S'il vous plait j'insiste encore une fois it doit etre en papier. En esperant que ce courrier recevoir votre attention. Cordialement Marian.


Nous avons le plaisir de vous faire parvenir les informations souhaitées.
Nous vous souhaitons de vivre un moment inoubliable en Normandie et d'y vivre une expérience unique.
Bon séjour!

Le CRT de Normandie

How will my life be as a blind person?

If someday I have an accident and I become blind, I think that it will be fatal to me, I mean psychologically.

At first, I'll have to learn Braille and it might not be easy. Then, I'll have to learn how to do the same things but in another way such as watching a film or doing sport. And I will have to learn maybe the most difficult thing, learnt to trust in people.

But what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger, I think.

Anne Frank

Anne Frank was born on 12th June  1929 in Frankfurt , Germany.
She had an elder sister called Margot, her dad called Otto Frank and her mother called Edith.

In the beginnings of the second World War they had to leave Germany and go to the Netherlands.

Later in 1940, Germany invaded the Netherlands and the family had to go into hiding until 1944 when they were arrested.

Margot and Anne died in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp , but her dad was still alive so he published his daugther's diary.