Forum about mobile phones

Supermum. 8th of may 2015, 15:46

Hi, I am worried about mobile phones I don't know if I should give a mobile phone to my daughter. Could you give me advantages and disadvantage?

Ipdroid. 9th of may 2015, 16:29

Hello, like everything in this world, one thing can be good or bad, it depends on its use.
There  are a lot of  advantages:
  • You can communicate all over the world.
  • You use it as an emergency device.
  • And we can get information easily.
But there are also bad things:
  • Parents can not control them, so teenagers can contact people they shouldn't.
  • And they also emit radiations thay are not healthy for us.
So My conclusion is that if you want to protect your daughter, you should give her the mobile phone but, first of all explain to her how it can be dangerous.

The Bulb

People have used fire for thousands of years.
Before there were bulbs, people used lamps with oil, but this was very dangerous and didn't lighted up very much.
In the 19th century an inventor called Thomas Edison invented the first bulb.
Eventually another inventors improved it.
Finally, these days all the people use bulbs there are many different kinds and with different intesity, yellow colour, disco or low consume.