Is internet a better invention than books?

I think Internet is the most important invention in the world. I was created in 1960s during the Cold War, it was called Arpanet. The US army used it to communicate with each other quickly and secretly. Before that, they used telegrams but it was too expensive and slow. On the other hand, it was safer than now because nobody could hack it.

I choose Internet instead of books because books are so heavy that our backs hurt althought books don't damageour sight.
Another positive point of Internet is that you download books freely or really cheaply and from any part of the world although sometimes they are incomplete.

Anyway, I choose Internet because it can always be improved so maybe, one day, we will have our school books in tablets and our backs will be healthy. 

Le dernier souffle

Il ya 10 ans un été, j'avais 6 ans.
Le ciel était clair, il n'y avait pas de vent mais il faisait une chaleur torride parce qu'il n'avait pas plu dans une semaine.

Mais je voulais juer donc je suis allée avec ma mère au parc, là je jouais toutjours avec mon amie Ines. 

Le parc était très grand et toutjours, nous à caché-caché ensuite nous nous glissions par le toboggan et finalement nous jouions avec la balançoire.

Mais un jour sur la balançoire, mon amie l'a tournée et les cordes on serré mon cou soudain j'ai eu l'impression de ne pas pouvait respirer. J'avais peur et je criais : maman, maman!!.

Tout à coup ma mère a pris les cordes donc j'ai pu respirer une autre fois.

Fall Out Boy

Fall Out Boy was formed in 2001, in Chicago, Illinois. The members are Pete Wentz, Patrick Stump, Joe Trohman and Andrew Hurley.
Most of the lyrics are written by Pete Wentz and the music by Patrick Stump.
In 2009, the band split up for four years until 2013.
FOB's first album was released by an important record company in 2003, it was called "Take this to your grave." Their first best seller was "From under the cork tree", their second album. It was released in 2005.
Fall Out Boy play pop punk, pop-rock and alternative rock. Their best-known songs are "My songs know what you did in the dark", "Inmortals and Centuries."
The band has won many prizes such as MTV Video Music Award, Teen Choice Award and Grammy Award.

Sophie Germain

Sophie Germain est née en 1776 à Paris et elle est morte en 1831, à Paris.

Elle a étudiée les mathématiques quand elle a eu treize ans alors 
que la société ne la laisse pas. Elle a découvert les nombres premiers. 
 Sophie Germain a combattu contre la société pour l'education.

Elle a eu deux sœurs plus grandes qu'elle.

Son père était un banquier très célèbre.
Elle est morte par un cancer de la mamelle, un mois avant de lui donner le prix Doctor Honoris.

Neferu Aton Nefertiti

Nefertiti was known as ´´a beautiful woman has come´´.

She was born in Tebas, Egypt around 1370 BC. Her father was Ay, an important Pharaoh so she grew up in the palace with all her cousins. That was because the family wanted to keep the royalty between their own DNA.

She was very important  because she prohibited he cult of Amon and replaced Tebas by Amarna.

Amarna was a city made for Nefertiti, Akenaton and their daughters to worship Aton.

She didn't depend on the Pharaoh and without his opinion she did a serious mistake. She changed polytheism to monotheism. The Egyptians didn't like this change so one day Nefertiti disappeared around 1330 BC.
Nowadays, nobody knows what happened to queen Nefertiti.

Formal letter

Málaga, Andalucía
17th February 2016
The Community Fund
AV. de Cervantes, 4
29016 Málaga
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to ask for information about the possible lottery projects.
Málaga is not as big as other cities but there are a lot of interesting places for young people. However, there are not any places for elderly people. For that reason, I would like to build a sports centre for them, There, they could meet each other and do different activities such as swimming, aerobics or zumba.
I would be grateful if you could send me a budget of this project.
Yours faithfully,
Marian Arrugaeta
Marian Arrugaeta
Málaga Leisure
Centre committee

Lettre à l'office du Tourisme de Caen (Normandie)

Message envoye depuis
Envoye : mercredi 10 ft/Her 2016 20:51 A:
Fermeture : les 1er lanvier, ler et 11 Novembre, et 25 decembre

Objet : Information sur Normandie

Monsieur, Madame Bonjour! Je m'appelle Marian et j'etudie au lycee Fernando de los Rios. Dans la classe de Francais, nous devons faire un travail d'une region de la France pour ce motif j'ai besoin d'information en papier sur des lieux que je peu visite, des recettes typiques et des personnages celebres. S'il vous plait j'insiste encore une fois it doit etre en papier. En esperant que ce courrier recevoir votre attention. Cordialement Marian.


Nous avons le plaisir de vous faire parvenir les informations souhaitées.
Nous vous souhaitons de vivre un moment inoubliable en Normandie et d'y vivre une expérience unique.
Bon séjour!

Le CRT de Normandie